A Little School With Big Ideas
Aims and Objectives
Together the children, staff and governors have agreed the aims for Moggerhanger Primary School:
To enjoy learning
To work with others using initiative and self-discipline
To be curious; to question and reason, not just to accept
To be creative in what we think and do
To show tolerance and respect for ourselves and others
To appreciate and value others now and in the past
Our curriculum provides the children with rich, diverse, first-hand experiences which are based around stimulating, challenging, practical and enjoyable activities. We work closely with parents/guardians and the community to help our children get the best from their learning.
You can read more about our Aims and Objectives on our school website.
We intend to plan a curriculum, all the way from Pre-School to the end of Year 6, which engages all children to have a love of learning and develop a curiosity to want to learn about the world around them. Our curriculum is designed to promote learning and personal growth, so that all children regardless of their starting points, grow into positive, responsible young people with transferable skills and equipped as they continue with the next stages of their education and into society.
Our curriculum also aims to reflect the culture and values of our school, and therefore SMSC links, our School Values and British Values, are clearly linked within our curriculum. Our children will be able to be positive and resilient, as well as compassionate. Our high expectations in both the core and foundation subjects ensure that we have a broad and balanced curriculum, which we hope will allow our children to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to be successful as learners and successful in life.
Online Learning
Our curriculum also incorporates new online safety guidelines. These are outlined in the Department for Education’s guidance document ‘Teaching online safety in school’ (DfE, 2019). The guidance can be downloaded here:
The Building Blocks of our Curriculum
At Moggerhanger Primary School, we strive to design a curriculum which meets the needs of the children in our school and community. We believe that Moggerhanger Primary School is a special place to be for our children, parents/guardians, village, and wider community. We have identified six building blocks which drive and inspire our curriculum, these will now be explained in further detail.
High quality learning experiences
We are passionate about providing high quality learning experiences, which will create the foundations needed to ensure that there is progression over time, and that all children can make the necessary links between subject areas, developing transferable skills and increasing their subject knowledge.
Serving our village and local community since 1910
We feel privileged to be part of such an historic setting, whereby our school has served its local community since 1910 in the current school building, and, prior to that, in other school buildings on Blunham Road, since 1861. Our curriculum provides children with rich opportunities to explore the history and geography of the village and community, as well as to fulfil a prominent role in the community today.
We work closely with St. John’s Church, Moggerhanger, where we perform concerts and assemblies regularly throughout the year for our families and local community, such as Harvest Festival, Christingle and Easter celebrations. As a school we regularly fundraise for St John’s Hospice, Moggerhanger, a Sue Ryder charity run hospice providing care for those with life-limiting conditions. We fundraise throughout the year, and perform at their events where possible. We regularly visit and collaborate with Moggerhanger Park, a Grade I listed Georgian country house in a 33 acre woodland setting.
Emphasis on Outdoor and Forest School learning
Our school places a high emphasis on outdoor and Forest School learning. Our children are fully involved and engaged in continuous development of our outdoor areas, which include large open grass areas, school field, fenced pond area and woodland area. All of these areas are utilised across all areas of the curriculum.
Family feel and cross-year group working
We are a small school with big ideas! Our small school allows us to retain the ‘family feel’, a characteristic which we foster, as we believe it improves our children’s school and curriculum experiences. Our children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are part of a ‘free flow’ unit which encompasses Pre-School and our Reception year group. Our children in Key Stages 1 and 2 work in mixed year groups (Year 1 & 2, Year 3 & 4 and Year 5 & 6). Our curriculum is designed to allow children to work at their ‘stage’ not ‘age’, whilst working with children from a range of year groups.
Expert, dedicated teachers who go the extra mile
Our teaching staff are highly qualified, with expertise in a huge range of subject areas. Our teaching staff remain dedicated to providing the highest quality of education, and ensure that our curriculum maintains our traditions as a school, but also moves with the times. Teachers continually go the extra mile to develop our curriculum in light of curriculum developments, new research, and local, national and global events.
Inclusive and accessible, with children at the centre
Our curriculum is design to be inclusive and accessible with children at the centre. We differentiate our curriculum to ensure that all children are included, and all children can access learning. We use everything at our disposal to ensure that any barriers to learning are reduced as much as possible, including the use of Makaton across the school, technology such as visualisers, iPads and interactive touch screens. We pride ourselves on both our staff and our children's inclusive attitudes, belief in equality and mutual respect of all, regardless of differences.
The Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stage
When children join Pre-School or Reception, they follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) programme of study - for children from birth to 5 (usually until the end of their Reception year).
The EYFS has four guiding principles:
Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured
Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or guardians
Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities
There are seven areas of learning and development that shape learning in the early years.
All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.
These three areas, the prime areas, are:
Communication and language
Physical development
Personal, social and emotional development
The four specific areas in addition to these are:
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activity. Throughout this time, the progress of each child is continually assessed and activities planned to meet their future needs. We aim to plan ‘just beyond the fingertips’ of each child.
Throughout their time in the EYFS, you and your child’s teacher will share information about their progress at school and at home and record these in their Learning Journey folders at school. At the end of the year you will receive a written report with details of their achievements and highlighting the next steps in their learning.
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)
In Year 1 and Year 2 your child is following the Key Stage 1 programme of study. We cover all of the statutory elements of the National Curriculum; English, Maths, Science, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education (PE) and Computing. We also teach Religious Education (RE), PSHE Education (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and Sex and Relationship Education (SRE). Throughout this time your child will be assessed against national standards in Speaking and Listening, Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science.
At the end of Year 1 your child will take a Phonics Screening Test, which will test their ability to read words using phonic skills alone.
At the end of Year 2 they are assessed through tests often known as SATs tests (Statutory Assessment Tests), and teacher assessments. Teacher assessment is used continually throughout the year, making judgements about achievement, based on nationally agreed standards in order to plan future learning.
At the end of Key Stage 1 (end of Year 2) assessment data for the school is reported nationally, although individual pupils are not identified.
Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6)
Children follow the Key Stage 2 programmes of study from 7-11 years old (Year 3 to Year 6). We cover all of the statutory elements of the National Curriculum; English, Maths, Science, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education (PE) including swimming, Computing and Languages. We also teach Religious Education (RE), PSHE Education (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and Sex and Relationship Education (SRE).
As at Key Stage 1, your child’s progress is carefully monitored and regularly assessed throughout Key Stage 2 using teacher assessment and some written tests.
At the end of Year 6, pupils complete national curriculum tests (sometimes referred to as SATs) which provide information about how they are progressing compared with other children of the same age nationally. School data for pupil achievement at the end of Year 6 is collated by Central Bedfordshire Council, and reported within the Local Authority, although individual pupils are not identified.
Planning our Curriculum
In order to plan and deliver the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum, the school ensures that learners are engaged and motivated through enquiry and challenge, and that learning is continually progressing. Whilst we place a high emphasis on enjoyment, we believe that our curriculum is planned to enable our children to achieve excellence, as learners who are productive and developing independence to reach a depth of understanding, so that they able to not only meet, but exceed, the National Curriculum standards.
Lessons are planned using the framework of the National Curriculum, and are organised into a series of engaging and creative learning experiences, through discreet subject areas. Staff use a variety of teaching methods to enable children to benefit from different learning styles. Planning is focused on a sequence of skills and knowledge which is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. All subjects within the National Curriculum are prioritised to ensure that learning time is maximised.
We provide the following learning offer through our own school curriculum:
The national requirements of the National Curriculum for year groups in the core and foundation subjects
The seven areas of development in the Early Years Foundation Stage
An extended day – before and after school opportunities to learn and be active
Extra-curricular activities during lunch times
An enriched curriculum, broadening life experiences and cultural capital for all children
Parents/guardians who are engaged in their children’s learning
Professional development for all staff, in partnership with Learning Central, Central Bedfordshire Council
Placements and mentoring for trainee teachers, in partnership with the University of Bedfordshire
All lessons work towards a clear learning objective, which is labelled as the WAL (We are Learning), along with a series of success criteria. We encourage all learners to reflect and assess their own learning against the WAL so that they can begin to understand their next steps. We have a two year rolling programme which covers all the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage for Pre-School and Reception, and the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2. Children begin a new topic theme every term or half term, and information about what the children will be learning about is shared with parents in the form of a half-termly newsletter.
Where possible and appropriate, we make cross-curricular links. We aim to make our curriculum relevant, meaningful and purposeful. Planning and teaching ensures all subjects maximise opportunities for the acquisition, application and mastery of key basic skills in English and Mathematics across the whole curriculum.
Specialist Teaching and Facilities
We are able to enhance our children’s learning further by using specialist facilities, resources and teaching from our federation sister school, Sandy Secondary School. Years 1-6 receive two PE sessions per week with our specialist PE teacher. Years 5 and 6 are able to have their PE lessons at Sandy Secondary School where they can access a large sports hall, dance studio, an all-weather pitch and an athletics track. Year 5 and 6 also access specialist teaching in Music and Design & Technology. Children in all year groups access learning through Forest School sessions, either on a weekly or half-termly basis. Years 3 to 6 have six weeks of swimming lessons every year.
Our curriculum goes beyond the explicit curriculum, and aims to enable opportunities for all children. We regularly welcome specialists, visitors and outside speakers to enrich our children’s educational experiences. Examples of these include Perform Drama4All, Sublime Science, Wood Green Animal Shelter and dance workshops led by professionals from the dance industry. We have an annual visit from different Paralympic athletes in collaboration with ‘Sports For Schools’, whereby the athlete provides a motivational talk and runs physical training sessions with the children.
We also regularly take part in educational school trips - visits planned recently have included the Bedford Faith Tour (a tour of a gurdwara, a mosque and a church), as well as trips to a local farm, the pantomime at Christmas and singing at Bedford Corn Exchange. These are planned to extend the children's learning, as well as their cultural capital.
All of these activities allow students the opportunity to experience things they may not have had the opportunity to do before, and allow them to realise that learning does not just happen in the classroom. We work incredibly closely with our parents/guardians by providing regular updates on our curriculum through fortnightly whole school newsletters, half-termly class newsletters, and weekly home learning tasks which help to consolidate learning at home. These can be accessed electronically via our messaging system, our school website, or our online learning platform ClassDojo. Alternatively, paper copies can be provided.
Teachers use assessment effectively to check understanding and identify misconceptions, and this is used to plan next steps so that knowledge is gained, applied and consolidated. Quality questioning guides pupils’ learning and deepens understanding. Assessments take place every 6 to 7 weeks.
A Mastery Curriculum for All
The school makes every effort to ensure that barriers to learning are addressed and that all pupils experience the full curriculum. All children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, those of high ability and those with English as an additional language, receive an appropriate broad and balanced curriculum, enabling them to reach their full potential, equipping them with both the skills and knowledge to transfer to the next stage of their education. We hold the expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards.
Supporting Resources
As a school we provide access to the following supporting resources which help to plan and deliver the curriculum:
White Rose Maths planning subscription
Pearson Active Learn subscription – Abacus Maths planning and resources
Pearson Active Learn subscription – Bug Club online reading resources
Phonics Play subscription – Phonics planning and resources
Espresso subscription – educational website
Due to effective curriculum planning and delivery, assessment and the care and support provided, our children at Moggerhanger Primary School are confident, reflective, independent and passionate learners, who have made progress across all subject areas. Pupils have a rich and varied vocabulary, take pride in their work, and demonstrate a keenness to share their successes, both inside and outside of school. Successes and outcomes are celebrated in school through:
Dojo points
Autumn and Spring term parent consultations
Annual school report
Achievement and Progress meetings with SLT
Subject leader moderation, monitoring and feedback
Links with Governors
This is reflected in the results achieved at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, and in the Year 1 Phonics Screening Checks. The children leave our school in Year 6, with a strong foundation in knowledge and understanding, as well as the skills needed to make them ready to move onto secondary school.
They are well rounded young people, who live our School Values. They have high self-esteem, showing respect for themselves and others, and have the right attitude and motivation to be successful on the next stage of their learning journey.
If you would like to find out more information about our curriculum, then please contact the school office who will arrange an appointment for you to speak with the subject leaders or Executive Principal.